2017 Band Booster info
The Band Boosters will hold 2 major fund raisers throughout the year. The football concession stand and the February Dinner Concert. ALL high school parents are asked to only work one game throughout the season, and bring treats for the band to sell the night they volunteer. ALL band parents grades 5-11th are asked to volunteer for the Dinner Concert. This is a big event, that only benefits the band department. We will have a planning meeting in January for this event.
We hold two door-to-door fundraisers a year. Fruit sales in November and a Spring fundraiser in March. We realize that students and parents see a lot of door-to-door fundraisers throughout the year. The Band Booster's fund raisers are set up a little differently than some other organizations.
5-6th Grade: The profit from elementary band sales directly benefits the band. It goes towards the purchase of new instruments, music, repair of old instruments, and any other general purchases Mr. Mueller sees the need for. We strongly encourage students to participate, and try to sell 10 items for each fundraiser.
7-12th Grade: As students get into high school band, expenses arise. We want to help these students and lessen the financial burden on families of band students. This is why when grades 7-12 participate in fundraisers they KEEP their profits in a student account. Each fund raiser is calculated, and kept track of for 6 years. Students may use this money for band supplies, band apparel, but most of TRIP FEES. The high school band tries to take a trip each spring/summer. Usually once school is out. We try to do an overnight every other year. It has also been the band's practice to perform at Disney World every 4 years. Our next trip would be scheduled for 2019. This trip can range anywhere from $800-$900, with costs only raising each year. We want ALL students to attend, this is a wonderful trip. The fund raisers are a great way to help cut down on those expenses. Fund raisers for grades 7-12 are certainly not required. We have them in place as a tool for your family, to ease the expense of band.
If you have any questions about fund raisers for the roll the Band Boosters play in the school District please contact one of our booster officers. We would also love for you to get involved and will be posting a meeting schedule very soon!
Kris Bott - 390-2271
Jean Fulton - 268-3490
Lori Thompson - 259-9062
Kristi Myers
Cliff & Virginia Dickinson
We hold two door-to-door fundraisers a year. Fruit sales in November and a Spring fundraiser in March. We realize that students and parents see a lot of door-to-door fundraisers throughout the year. The Band Booster's fund raisers are set up a little differently than some other organizations.
5-6th Grade: The profit from elementary band sales directly benefits the band. It goes towards the purchase of new instruments, music, repair of old instruments, and any other general purchases Mr. Mueller sees the need for. We strongly encourage students to participate, and try to sell 10 items for each fundraiser.
7-12th Grade: As students get into high school band, expenses arise. We want to help these students and lessen the financial burden on families of band students. This is why when grades 7-12 participate in fundraisers they KEEP their profits in a student account. Each fund raiser is calculated, and kept track of for 6 years. Students may use this money for band supplies, band apparel, but most of TRIP FEES. The high school band tries to take a trip each spring/summer. Usually once school is out. We try to do an overnight every other year. It has also been the band's practice to perform at Disney World every 4 years. Our next trip would be scheduled for 2019. This trip can range anywhere from $800-$900, with costs only raising each year. We want ALL students to attend, this is a wonderful trip. The fund raisers are a great way to help cut down on those expenses. Fund raisers for grades 7-12 are certainly not required. We have them in place as a tool for your family, to ease the expense of band.
If you have any questions about fund raisers for the roll the Band Boosters play in the school District please contact one of our booster officers. We would also love for you to get involved and will be posting a meeting schedule very soon!
Kris Bott - 390-2271
Jean Fulton - 268-3490
Lori Thompson - 259-9062
Kristi Myers
Cliff & Virginia Dickinson
Booster meeting - 2016
There will be a brief booster meeting Monday, March 11 @ 6 pm in the band room. We will be finalizing our plans for the Solo & Ensemble contest held in Arcola this upcoming weekend. We are needing volunteers to take admission during the event on Saturday. It will start at 10 am and go until approximately 3 pm. The working shifts available are: 9:30-10:30, 10:30-11:30, 11:30-12:30, 12:30-1:30, 1:30-2:30, 2:30-3:00. We are looking for 2 volunteers for each shift. If you're able to help, please contact Mr. Gore or Kris Bott @[email protected]. Thanks!
Musical dinner concert - 2016
The Annual Junior High & High School Band Dinner Concert will be held Saturday, February 23rd. This year’s theme is “Fantasy/Movies.” Featuring music from the Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia & Harry Potter. It’s sure to be an amazing concert!
Dinner will be served between 5:30-6:30 pm, with the concert following at 6:45 pm in the High School Gymnasium. Admission to the concert is $6 per person. (ages 5 and under are free) Included in the cost of admission is your choice of chili, broccoli cheese or chicken noodle soup, vegetables, crackers, beverages, along with a variety of homemade desserts. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Remember this is a fundraiser, so there is an admission charge even if you choose not to eat.
Students are required to wear their concert attire and report to the band room at 6 pm. They may eat in the cafeteria prior to the concert at 5 pm. The cost for a band students dinner is only $3. This money is due the night of the concert.
The Musical Dinner Concert is one of the band department’s biggest fundraisers of the year. Funds raised from this concert, goes towards marching band uniform maintenance, purchase of new instruments, transportation costs, plus much more!
Set up for the concert will begin at 9 am. At this time we will unload the tables and chairs form the truck and set up the gym. This takes about one hour, and requires some heavy lifting. So send your muscle! Anyone wanting to help decorate can report at 10 am. Serving shifts will start at 4 pm. All parents are asked to sign up for at least one 30 minute serving shift.
Families are also asked to donate a home made dessert to serve at the concert. Due to health codes, we are not allowed to serve any dessert that requires refrigeration. You may deliver your desserts Friday to the band room or Saturday from 2 pm - 4 pm.
9 am: Unload tables & chairs, set up gym. (all families are encouraged to help)
10 am: Decorate Gym (everyone welcome)
2 - 4 pm: Dessert Drop off (Cafeteria)
4 pm - 6:45 pm: Serving Shifts
We will have a planning meeting at the next band parent meeting on Monday, February 3rd at 6pm. All are invited and encouraged to attend.
Dinner will be served between 5:30-6:30 pm, with the concert following at 6:45 pm in the High School Gymnasium. Admission to the concert is $6 per person. (ages 5 and under are free) Included in the cost of admission is your choice of chili, broccoli cheese or chicken noodle soup, vegetables, crackers, beverages, along with a variety of homemade desserts. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Remember this is a fundraiser, so there is an admission charge even if you choose not to eat.
Students are required to wear their concert attire and report to the band room at 6 pm. They may eat in the cafeteria prior to the concert at 5 pm. The cost for a band students dinner is only $3. This money is due the night of the concert.
The Musical Dinner Concert is one of the band department’s biggest fundraisers of the year. Funds raised from this concert, goes towards marching band uniform maintenance, purchase of new instruments, transportation costs, plus much more!
Set up for the concert will begin at 9 am. At this time we will unload the tables and chairs form the truck and set up the gym. This takes about one hour, and requires some heavy lifting. So send your muscle! Anyone wanting to help decorate can report at 10 am. Serving shifts will start at 4 pm. All parents are asked to sign up for at least one 30 minute serving shift.
Families are also asked to donate a home made dessert to serve at the concert. Due to health codes, we are not allowed to serve any dessert that requires refrigeration. You may deliver your desserts Friday to the band room or Saturday from 2 pm - 4 pm.
9 am: Unload tables & chairs, set up gym. (all families are encouraged to help)
10 am: Decorate Gym (everyone welcome)
2 - 4 pm: Dessert Drop off (Cafeteria)
4 pm - 6:45 pm: Serving Shifts
We will have a planning meeting at the next band parent meeting on Monday, February 3rd at 6pm. All are invited and encouraged to attend.
booster meetings - 2016
Booster meetings will be held the 1st Monday of each month at 6 pm in the band room. All parents grades 5-12 are welcome and encouraged to attend. If a holiday falls on the first Monday, the meeting will be moved to the following Monday.
Meeting dates for the 2012-2013 school year are as follows:
October 15th (due to Columbus Day)
November 5th (discuss fruit sales)
December 3rd (discuss and plan HS Spring band trip)
January 7th (discuss & plan Musical Dinner Concert & Spring fundraiser options)
February 4th (discuss & finalize plans Musical Dinner Concert & plan Solo and Ensemble Contest)
March 11th (finalize plans for Solo and Ensemble Contest)
April 8th (discuss HS band trip & upcoming year)
May 7th (held Tuesday prior to the awards night at 6:30 pm)
Meeting dates for the 2012-2013 school year are as follows:
October 15th (due to Columbus Day)
November 5th (discuss fruit sales)
December 3rd (discuss and plan HS Spring band trip)
January 7th (discuss & plan Musical Dinner Concert & Spring fundraiser options)
February 4th (discuss & finalize plans Musical Dinner Concert & plan Solo and Ensemble Contest)
March 11th (finalize plans for Solo and Ensemble Contest)
April 8th (discuss HS band trip & upcoming year)
May 7th (held Tuesday prior to the awards night at 6:30 pm)